EXTRAKT Z OKRY (Ibiškovec jedlý)
- Pomáhá vlasům se snadným rozčesáváním.
- Okra má bohatý obsah kyseliny listové, která prokazatelně předchází padání vlasů.
- Má také vysoký obsah C vitaminu, který pomáhá s tvorbou kolagenu, důležitého pro růst. Vitamin C v okře má také důležitou roli v absorpci železa, které udržuje Tvé prstýnky silné a zdravé.
- Antibakteriální účinky okry pomáhají pokožce hlavy zůstat ve zdravé rovnováze.
Avocado oil is recommended as an effective treatment for eczema, dry scalp and other forms of skin inflammation.
Avocado oil moisturizes the scalp and shields it from ultraviolet radiation.
Avocado oil is rich in antioxidants, minerals, essential fatty acids, biotin and vitamins A, B-5, and E
Avocado oil contains an abundance of monounsaturated fats, proteins, copper, folic acid, magnesium and minerals that strengthens the building blocks of your hair.
Avocado oil is extremely viscous and can assist in detangling hair
Bananas improve manageability and shine
Bananas contain potassium, natural oils, carbohydrates and other vitamins, which, together, soften the hair and protect the hair's natural elasticity, preventing split ends and breakage.
Argan oil comes from the fruit of the native Argan tree in Morocco. The fruit is so nutritious that goats climb the trees just to eat them. Inside of that fruit is the little nut from which Argan oil is produced. For centuries, dating back at least as far as 600 BC, the Phoenicians relied upon this oil for healing as well as for enhancing beauty.
Argan Oil is rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as being loaded with antioxidants, linoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids. This means that it helps boost cell production which results in healthier scalp and hair
Argan Oil has significant benefits for those suffering from hair loss. The oil was used traditionally to treat a variety of skin diseases. Its natural properties are a tremendous boon for a scalp plagued by dandruff and irritation. Argan Oil is rich in natural phenols that are beneficial to hair follicles. Not only does it promote new hair growth, but also will help you grow healthy, thick looking hair
- Dokonale ulevuje a zklidňuje pokožku i vlasy. Proskurník je bohatý na vitaminy a léčí ekzémy, psoriázu a suchou pokožku hlavy.
- Krásně hladce rozčesává a dodává slip.
Jojoba oil is rich in Vitamin E, Omega 6 & 9 fatty acids, and a saturated fatty acid called Docosanol that helps battle viral infections. It is also rich in antioxidants that battle free radicals that have adverse effects on the health of our hair. Since our hair is largely made up of proteins, the fatty acid content of jojoba oil makes it ideal to nourish our hair and follicles
Jojoba oil dissolves the dirt and buildup and nourishes your follicles and hair shaft, ensuring that the hair grows out healthy.
Jojoba oil’s antimicrobial properties keep your scalp protected from infection and soothe any inflammation. Its high antioxidant content battles free radicals that cause damage to the scalp and hair.
Jojoba oil is the ideal ingredient to use as a hair serum as it calms your hair while not weighing it down. It keeps your hair shiny and smooth throughout the day because of its light weight and non-sticky nature.
- Proteolytické enzymy v aloe vera napravují odumřelé buňky v pokožce hlavy.
- Aloe také funguje jako přírodní kondicionér – vlasy jsou po ní hebké a lesklé.
- Aloe vera prospívá růstu vlasů, předchází svědění pokožky a omezuje lupy.
- Její chemické složení připomíná keratin, vrozený protein v našich vlasech. Sestává z amino kyselin, kyslíku, uhlíku a malých množství vodíku, dusíku a síry.
Coconut cream contains good concentration of lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) which gets converted to monolaurin in the body, a compound with antiviral and antibacterial properties
Rich in vitamin C and E, Coconut Cream moisturizes and restores luster to dull damaged frizzy hair.